A Raisin In The Sun Walter Lee Character Analysis

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A Raisin In The Sun is a great example of somebody's dream being deferred. The character that I choose to write about is Walter Lee. Walter Lee was always wanted a better life for not only himself but also for his family. Walter says that money is power and he wants to become rich one day. His dream is to open up a liquor store and make enough money move out of his small apartment that has five people living in it. Walter believes that this will improve himself socially and will be looked up to by others. Walter Lee is stuck on a business decision that he believes is a no brainer choice. Willie, Bobo, and Walter all need to put in money to start the liquor business. Walter has been saving up for the business but is still short. Shortly after the passing of his father the Younger family was going to receive a life insurance check worth ten thousand dollars. Walter insisted to his mother that he should get the money so he can start up the business and start making money. Walter wants nothing more then become a wealthy man. …show more content…

She can give the money to Walter Lee or give some to Beneatha who wants to go to school to become a doctor. She waits a couple of days and still doesn't quite know what to do with the money. As the future of Walter Lees dream is in the hands of Mama he is trying to convince her that it is a great idea. Finally Mama decides what she wants to do with the money. When everyone was at home one day Mama told everyone what she did with the money. And it shocked Walter Lee and also angered him when he heard the news. Mama told Walter that she went out and bought them a new house in Clybourne Park. Walter thinks his dreams of owning a liquor store are

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