A Quilt Of A Country Anna Quindlen Analysis

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How is an American Identity created? An American identity is created when immigrants to the United States assimilate into the American culture while still retaining their own culture as well. Immigrants can come from any country, like Japan, South Africa, Vietnam, Uruguay, etc, and can still be considered American in essence. An American identity is not determined by where you’re from, or who you are, but it is determined by if you take on the American culture along with your own, creating a unique, personal hybrid of a culture. American culture is also not a static thing, it changes as more and more people are assimilated into it and bringing their own piece of heritage, much like bringing a food item to a banquet. Therefore, American identity is created when an immigrant or new person to the country assimilates into the culture while still retaining …show more content…

For example, a popular belief is that the American culture represents a quilt with many different colored and patterned squares representing immigrants and their cultures. In the essay A Quilt of a Country by Anna Quindlen, she states: “That’s because it was built of bits and pieces that seem discordant, like the crazy quilts that have been one of its great folk-art forms, velvet and calico and checks and brocades. Out of many, one. That is the ideal.” (Quindlen, 14) This piece of evidence shows that the culture and heritage of the immigrants represents a quilt, with each unique immigrant and their heritage representing a unique square on the quilt of America. Also, the contributions which immigrants have made in America all help reflect upon the American identity shared by all, as each wave of immigration left a mark on the fabric of American progress. In the essay The Immigrant Contribution by John F. Kennedy,

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