A Place Where The Sea Remembers By Sandra Benitez

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In the book A Place Where The Sea Remembers, by Sandra Benitez the idea of the common human exiperence is shown. Throughout the story all of the characters go through greif, forgivness, and guilt. Marta experiances greif when her son dies, “I will lose my mind when the right one comes.” Marta says this when she realizes that it was not Totino that got sucked away by the mud and water but it was her son Richard. After Marta says this to Remedios, Remedios reminds tells her that each wave has its own reason and purpose. Guilt is another experiance that everyone feels throughout their lives. Beto experiances guilt when he was by the shrine communicating with his mother. Beto says, “I brought your rebozo because I don’t deserve to have it. I should …show more content…

By Paulo Coelho there are many symbols throughout the novel that have deep, and specific meanings that helped Santiago throughout the journey of discovering his personal legend. In the beginning of the story Santiago is given two stones, one white and one black. The stones both represent different things but do the same thing during Santiago’s journey. “They are called Urim and Thummim. The black signifies ‘yes’, and the white ‘no.’ When you are unable to read the omens, they will help you do so. Always ask an objective question.” This quote means when ever Santiago is not sure of what to do that he is supposed to ask an objective question and pull a stone out of the bag. Urim and Thummim help Santiago make choices throughout the journey of discovering his personal legend. During a part of the journey the stones fell out of Santiago’s pocket. “He didn’t consider mending the hole - the stones could fall through any time they wanted. He learned that there were certain things one shouldn’t ask about, so as not to flee from one’s own destiny.” Santiago learned that there are choices that everyone has to make personally and not get others insight from. “I promise to make my own decisions.” Santiago made a promise that he would make his own decisions and not let Urim and Thummim make them for him. He realized that he was on his own person journey and that Urim and Thummim represented wisdom and guidance only if he was in the need of …show more content…

by Patricia McCormick there are many similies throughout the book that give more detail and insight into what is happening during the Cambodian Genocide. Arn, a young boy living in Cambodia witnessed many horrible and tragic things throughout the 4 year time period. Arn says, “That pile, now it’s like a mountain” This quote indicates that during the genocide millions of people were brutally murdered and put into mass graves. Arn sees dirt piles and sees them rapidly start to grow which means more and more people are getting killed and put into mass graves. Shortly after Arn describes the growth of the dirt piles as a mountain. Arn’s aunt tells him to, “Be like the grass” Arn’s aunt means that in order to survive you can’t show any emotion. She means to go where ever the wind takes you, Instead of the wind though it’s Khmer Rouge. She is telling Arn to not show any emotion and to do whatever the Khmer Rouge says if you want to have a chance to survive. Arn witnesses the killing of hundrends of innocent people. Arn explains, “Terrible sound, like cracking a coconut, only its a human head.” This quote compares the sound of a coconut being cracked upen to the sound of a human head being hit by an axe. Arn explains that they sound similar. Throughout the entire genocide 3 million people were killed. Arn was one of the lucky ones and listened to what his aunt said and played

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