A & P By John Updike Peer Pressure

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The short story “A&P” by John Updike is about a young man named Sammy who is spending his sweet summer vacation working at a supermarket called A&P. Sammy eventually becomes influenced by a few young women in a short amount of time. Prior to these females entering the establishment, Sammy couldn’t believe that these girls didn’t care much about the rules as they walked in only wearing bikinis. The young women eventually influenced Sammy to quit his job without even telling him to do it. Peer pressure is an immensely powerful tool that can have both a positive and a negative effect on nearly every person; the words or actions of others can alter a person’s state of mind. The average person in his or her sane state of mind does not normally decide to quit their job randomly, there must be some kind of outside influence that would convince someone to do such thing. How much of an effect can the actions of others have on oneself? Anyone can …show more content…

Everyone is in the need to ‘fit in’. Peer pressure can be both a dangerous or beneficial to a teens development. It can also affect someone depending on the situation physically and emotionally. “We examined the potential of negative peer pressure within a treatment-focused residential care setting” (Huefner 719). Teen are always being pressured to do something, but the most common issue to being pressured is into alcohol and drug abuse which have a negative long term affect on their development. A lot of the times this happened at parties, after prom etc. When Sammy was working at the A&P, he might have found it very uninteresting and boring, he was neither satisfied or unsatisfied with his job, but merely content with it all. After Sammy had spent some more time deeply thinking about what it was that he was doing as a job, he started to become more and more dissatisfied with the position. As the aspects of his life and this summer job in particular began to draw on

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