A Modest Response

676 Words2 Pages

A well-known satirical author, Jonathon Swift, in his essay, “A Modest Proposal,” discusses a radical from of aid, capable of ending Ireland’s destitution. Swift’s purpose is to force the English gentry to open their eyes and see that British intervention is necessary to kick-start the Irish economy. He adopts a serious tone in order to convince the English of his proposition’s certain success,
At this point in time, the majority of Ireland is struggling to survive. Poverty is rampant throughout the country due to high taxes and overpopulation. Swift, a well-to-do author, targets the English upper class in an effort to save his beloved homeland. He presents the revolutionary infant food industry as a solution to Ireland’s troubles. Swift utilizes an argument known as the door-in-the-face technique which first makes an impossible request, and then, moves to a smaller, more logical approach to a problem. Aiding the Irish is Swift’s sole purpose in “A Modest Proposal.” In order to achieve his goal, he writes a lengthy proposition full of “credible” sources and statistics. This continues on for multiple pages, however, the work concludes with much more legitimate solutions to the widespread poverty. The argument assumes that the country of Ireland is too poor and densely populated to help itself.
Jonathon Swift projects a knowledgeable persona. His Irish roots suggest a level of expertise on the subject that the English lack. Additionally, he is a well-traveled and famous author who projects an aura of confidence. Swift puts on a respectful façade for his unaware audience. Most of his sarcastic undertones are lost to the article’s readers. Despite his somewhat mocking tone, Jonathon Sift is serious towards his material. His creat...

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...wift should have made his legitimate suggestions concerning Ireland’s poverty more prominent in his essay. The most vital information is lost due to its awkward and capricious placement within the piece. Furthermore, Swift should have utilized more pathos. People are most often caught up with emotion. Hence, it would have been beneficial to his cause to make the English feel more sympathetic toward the impoverished Irish beggars.
Jonathon Swift brilliantly uses the three rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) in his dissertation, “A Modest Proposal.” The essay forced the English to take ownership of the abusive nature directed at the Irish and encouraged them to make a genuine effort to end poverty. Without Swift, Ireland may have literally needed to sell off its children. Undoubtedly, Jonathon Swift single-handedly brought Ireland out of its destitution.

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