A Modest Proposal

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Hello Dr. Heidi L. Everett, I hope you are doing well. I have been interested in finding a career, in the Information Systems field. I spent a great deal of time researching the outlook in this particular field. I am writing this because this industry really intrigues me. For, technology is advancing in a rapid speed and the ability for organizations to adapt to this change could make or break an organization. Innovations can be intimidating however, if you don’t embrace it, progress will be hard to obtain. Thus, the demand for information and Computer systems personal is sky rocketing because most companies don’t want to be left in the past. But want a competitive advantage and use the new innovations that are revolutionizing the business …show more content…

I had to learn how to assimilate in my new environment in order to be a providing member of society. I moved to three different country and each time I had to overcome the challenges of assimilating. From a young age I learn how to adapt to new environment and challenges. I believe that treat is a valued trade in this field because technology is evolving at a fast past and your ability to adapt can make or break you. Also with moving around I learned how to speak three different language and I spent some of my time translating for family member and friends. Translating is a very serious and difficult because something don’t translate between two languages. Which is the same as translating code and to a person who does not know it and trying to sell them on why they need your services. I feel that this is a key treat you need to learn to succeed in this field because not many people know what code is or how technology works. This is the reason why I believe I am compatible with this field because my life experiences helped prepare me to be successful in this

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