A Man For All Seasons, By Robert Bolt

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When someone is struggling with a decision, modern television and movies often depict the contemplation that one experiences as a power struggle between a devil and an angel on one's shoulders. It is suggested that as individuals, we follow the words of the angel or our conscience, however there are times when we are faced with temptations from the devil that pull us away from our moral values. Robert Bolt’s play “A Man for All Seasons,” tells the story of how Lord Chancellor Sir Thomas More- a strong willed individual continuously refused to sacrifice his own conscience and moral values in order to support King Henry’s plans despite being tempted by influences. Throughout the play, others seek More for his approval of King Henry’s request …show more content…

Throughout the play, despite the unsteadfastness of society, the beliefs of his family and the pressures from his friends, More is seen remaining true to his convictions and moral conscience. Being steadfast and not blinded by fear, More is able to recognize that society switches its beliefs and values to correspond with the King’s desire in order to please authority and avoid punishment. While discussing the King’s plan for divorce, Cardinal Wolsey questions More on how he is capable of risking the safety of the general public for the sake of his conscience however, More is quick to state that, “When statesmen forsake their own private conscience for the sake of their public duties, they lead their country by a short route to chaos” (22). More acknowledges that if every citizen doesn’t have solid principles, society would be at chaos because the King would be in absolute power, even if his actions are not moral since no one would object. More’s ability to differentiate from society and stay true to his conscience regardless of what the general public does illustrates that he is willing to go against what society would do in order to maintain his strong sense of morality. However, More’s sense of morality is so imperative that he is prepared to refute his own family's beliefs. After More left the King crossed, his wife …show more content…

But to truly abide by one’s conscience, one must find the will to fight for one’s beliefs. While More must face the consequences of risking diminishing his family’s wealth, being imprisoned and being charged with treason, his sense of morality sustains him and enables him to stay loyal to his conscience regardless of the circumstances. After resigning from his position of Lord Chancellor in order to protect his values, More remained true to his conscience even if it drastically impacted his lifestyle and put his family’s financial start at risk. When More quickly refuses the gift of four thousand pounds from the King of Spain during a time of financial need, Alice becomes upset and confused as to why he would decline the offer but More reminds Alice that, “But at the worst, we could be beggars, and still keep company, and be merry together” (110). More’s determination to stay committed to his conscience causes him to ignore the well-being of others and reassures himself and those around him that values are a greater essence than any consequence including impoverishment. Regardless of the risk, More is willing to allow his family to suffer for his own convictions as he continues to defend his beliefs. More continues to demonstrate his increasing commitment to values over those around him as he finds the

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