A Lucid Dream Of Nothingness

1920 Words4 Pages

To live in the awareness that life is impending annihilation. Is the only true way to live. Chaos is everywhere, and for that we should be thankful. The love that was, the heart of disillusions a compass heading towards nothingness. Blackholes at the end, a closing gap within. The mind lasts for a period of time, in the end no echoes or light can escape. The universe swallowed up, the path to the right no more good and evil do not coexist, all the wars do not exist. Money and Walmart do not abide the tongues of nothingness swallowing the tears and fears the beginning is the end, and the end is the beginning. You 're are already slowly being murdered by life daily. Death is already happening so why fear it. Just wait for it. No need to be a murderer life is. Life goes on after we die, we 're the mortal beings.
Life is but a trivial game of hide and seek.

A lucid dream of nothingness, but yet we want there to be something. There is nothing; life means nothing. We 're made from stardust a blimp on the evolutionary scale in intelligence. In communities we reject each other. We deny our own purpose by constantly seeking new ways to be fulfilled. We 're diseased rats; if we truly had any care in the world we would feed the homeless and shelter the weary. We wouldn 't hold the wealth for our own cynical delusions.

We 're nothing, but we 're everything. There is nothing in everything and everything in nothing.Life means nothing. Only something for those who think it means something.We 're innately nothing. Life is meaningless. I see all aspects of life as negating. Death is life 's way of saying you can have a nice sleep. Despair at its highest point is somewhat of a challenge. But on the other hand life in general has no intrinsic...

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...t zone to help them no matter what. The greatest thing in life is boundless love for those that need it and for those that don’t. Sacrifice is a virtue that shows you truly love her and you would do anything to make her happy. I do not fear death but I do fear living a life without love. When you have lost everything, that is when you begin to appreciate life for what it is.
Time is precious yesterday is over and today is a new day, take time to love others with unconditional love. Don’t waste your life on people who don’t spend anytime on you. Strength comes through solidarity, learning to be okay with yourself. Sometimes the best lessons are learnt alone. Being single is okay you know that there is someone better out there who deserves you the same amount that you deserve them. Love is sacrificing everything for the one you love no matter what the circumstances.

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