A Letter To A Mental Illness

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Thank you for your email. I have a lot on my mind and a lot I'd like to say. My depression and adhd have been really bad the last couple days, and so my thoughts are a jumble and I can't think straight at the moment so I apologize if this is hard to read.

I need to tell you something that I've meant to tell you for a while but haven't known how to or what to say. I hope this doesn't offend you or make things worse but I feel that I should tell you. I need to be honest.

A couple days before you moved to your new house, I was frustrated with our communication issues and just really wanted some answers. I was hurt and confused and was steadily losing trust and respect for you and I didn't know why. I started reading some relationship articles on a psychology website my old therapist recommended. I ran across an article about dating someone with narcissistic personality disorder, and clicked …show more content…

That letter you left for me at work stitched back together my broken heart. You've gone to therapy and are getting help! I couldn't be happier for you. It makes my heart so happy to know that you are finally getting help. I'm sure that it is very difficult for you, but I hope that you can stick with it and I hope that it helps in the long run. I'm curious what your suspected diagnosis is, for my own peace of mind, but I suppose that will have to wait until it is confirmed.

The hardest thing that all of my reading taught me was to look at myself first. We're attracted to people who mirror things we see in ourselves. For every thing I've criticised you for or gotten mad about, there's something similar inside me that I need to look at too. Like I told you, I need to learn to be happy with myself and make better choices before I can learn to accept flaws in others. I've been reading a lot about borderline personality disorder, and what I've read has made me think I probably have some BPD traits. I have a lot to learn about myself and a lot to work on

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