A Leadership Profile Of Ronald Reagan's Leadership

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Ronald Reagan: A Leadership Profile
Amanda Smith
LDR 6100: Developing Leadership Capabilities
Northeastern University
October 2, 2017 President Ronald Reagan was the fourteenth president United States of America in 1981. President Reagan had very interesting careers that propelled him into the top office in government. He was a sports announcer, movie actor, captain in the Army, and a politician. During his Army days, he followed the politics in the movie industry and was later elected president in 1947 of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) (Mclure, 2015). Then he pursued and became the California governor. However, his true accomplishments, from 1981 through 1989, Ronald Reagan led a great American comeback. He not only achieved what his critics …show more content…

By definition found in the text, transformational leadership is a style in which a leader seeks to change and engage followers and the organization by creating a compelling vision, strategy, and culture. By being attentive to followers’ needs and identifying the needed change, a transformational leader motivates followers to achieve their and the organization’s potential (Burns, 1978). It was evident even during his governship that he believed that the issues that the government had could be changed. President Reagans vision, clear direction and with no hidden agenda made him ideal. He was known also to be very courteous and a great communicator that allowed him to bridge the gap of the republican and democrat parties. This made him successful in office because as seen as and look of a servant leader, appealed to both …show more content…

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