A Kiss For Amory Research Paper

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This Side of Paradise was written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald and later published in 1920. When Fitzgerald published the book, it would be the make or break for everything he loved. But to him what was most important was to win a gorgeous girl's hand in marriage, her being Zelda Sayre. She was his muse, a star in almost every book and short story he has ever written, a tale of a man with great ambitions and the girl who cannot marry him because of his lack of money. Fitzgerald was born in 1896 in Minnesota to a middle class family, and attended "the school for the Pretty and Lazy”, Princeton University, where his alcoholism is thought to have started. After the publication of This Side of Paradise, he was thrown into the limelight, meeting fame, other authors, and his growing addiction to drinking. Fitzgerald was influenced by every inch of his reality and reshaped it to fit an unidealized take on the world in his novel. An almost biographical fiction, Fitzgerald captured the true essence of what adolescence is, romantically cynical yet …show more content…

There was something fascinating about playing cat and mouse with someone's feelings, many people believe that Fitzgerald thought that this type of playing with the heart could only lead into the result of having one true winner. In ‘A Kiss for Amory’ you can easily find how manipulative Amory is at such a young age, he never cared for Myra, a young he used to play with he just used her and then left her without really a care, “ But Amory, being on the spot, leaned over quickly and kissed Myra's cheek….Sudden revulsion seized Amory, disgust, loathing for the whole incident. He desired frantically to be away, never to see Myra again” (Book 1, Chapter 1, pg. 17). He even later told Rosalind, his one and only love, that once he kissed a girl, he would not be scared of her, implying that once he did he would have the higher ground in the

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