A Future for Organic Products in the 21st Century

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A Future for Organic Products in the 21st Century

Primary research is going out into the public and getting their views

via surveys. This is good as you get all the answers for a question

from a variety of people you can also ask an exact question. The

disadvantage is many people have different views and it is also very

time consuming.

Secondary research is using sources like the Internet and books to

find answers to a question. The advantage of using this sort of

research is it's quick and easy to find out what you need. The

disadvantage of this is you might not be able to get an exact answer

for the question.

Organic Farming is a production system that avoids or largely excludes

the use of synthetically produced fertilizers, pesticides, growth

regulators, and livestock feed additives. As far as possible, it

relies on crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, legumes,

green manures, off-farm organic wastes, and aspects of biological pest

control to maintain soil productivity and tillage, to supply plant

nutrients, and to control insects, weeds, and other pests.

So basically organic products are produced without using chemically

aided products like pesticides and non-organic products are the

opposite and do use chemicals.

The two markets have come around because there was a gap in the market

for organic products. People believe that organic products are

healthier for them and less damaging to the environment. Non-organic

products tend to be cheaper so it is the better option for people who

may want to buy organic but can't afford it. Some people do not

believe there is any differences but are still worried about the

environment so support it. Small food manufacturers like farmers had

in the past found it hard to make ends meat because of large companies

being able to produce cheaply, so when the large demand for "healthy"

organic food produce started it was economically a wise for this

selected market.

Every product has a cut in a market and the cuts are divided into

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