A Doll's House Nora Transformation Essay

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Character transformations are present in many dramas especially in A Doll’s House written by Henrik Ibsen. Nora is a submissive housewife that is compliant with everybody especially her husband Torvald. Not only is Nora a submissive housewife, but according to ŞAFAK, “Nora embodies a character who is flighty, excitable and an object, a toy and sometimes a child” (ŞAFAK). However, Nora does not embody this childlike character at the end because she has transformed into a different person. In A Doll’s House, Nora realistically transforms from a submissive housewife into an assertive independent woman. In the beginning of the play, Nora is a submissive housewife. As Nora is scavenging for gifts and decorations, she buys some macaroons to snack on before coming home. She knows that Torvald does not approve of eating macaroons. According to the play, Nora states that “Now, now, don’t be afraid. You couldn’t possibly know that Torvald had forbidden them. You see, he’s worried they’ll ruin my teeth” (1. 1459). She is obedient and complies with the rules that Torvald have bestowed upon her and only eats one or two to please her cravings. Not only …show more content…

Krogstad blackmails Nora so he can receive a higher position at the bank because Torvald is her husband and only he can give Mr. Krogstad what he wants. Nora suffers from this situation alone as it teaches her to become independent and face challenges by herself. According to the play, Nora says, “… nobody else has known about this; I alone did everything remember that” (3.1479). Also, at the end of Act III, it can be seen that Nora has a “longing for selfhood and emancipation” (Choi). When Torvald finds out that Nora has committed forgery to save his life, his reaction did not please her. She decides to leave Torvald behind due to her finally realizing that she does not love him anymore. This event signifies that Nora is confident and independent because she can face her own challenges as she searches for her own

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