A Doll's House

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A Doll House Have you ever felt deception by the one you love? The sharp feeling of hurt and misery replaying in your heart over and over. What if that special person did it for love? Would your opinion still remain the same? In the play, “A Doll House” many questions remain unanswered and a mystery. With a breathtaking story line, “A Doll house” originally written by Henrik Ibsen's has a twist or two to keep you on edge at every second. The play itself is a metaphorical play that carries the use of symbolism and self-respect to portray the author’s true thoughts on what love really consists of. Initially starting off in the play, everything seems good. Torvald Helmer the husband of Nora, seems like they are a very happy couple. …show more content…

Introduced in the plot is an old friend of Nora, Christine Linde. Mrs. Linde is a widow whose mother died. Mrs. Linde doesn’t have a job either. Nora promises to talk to her husband. Things take a turn for Nora when a man named Krogstad, a person who works at the bank but for very little money, arrives. She borrowed cash from him and forged her father’s signature in the contract. Torvald wants to fire him from the job he has at the bank. Krogstad threatens Nora's he will tell about the secret if he gets loses his job. This then becomes the conflict in the play. Torvald then later gives Mrs. Linde the position. Introduced later is Dr. Rank, a family friend who is slowly passing away due to tuberculosis. The complication of the plot begins when Nora begs her husband not to fire Krogstad. Torvald becomes angry then fires Krogstad afterwards. Krogstad is very upset at this point and states to Nora that he's going to blackmail her and her husband and there's nothing she can do. He later drops a letter in the mail explaining everything in the mailbox. Nora explains the problems to Mrs. Linde. Then in another scene we see Christine trying to talk to Krogstad. Krogstad and Mrs. Linde

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