A Determined Women's Rights Activist Susan B. Anthony

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Susan B. Anthony: A Determined Women Rights Activist Have you ever heard or known about the fact that before 1920 women had no right to vote for whatever president, governor, etc. that they wanted to do? As a matter of fact, no women have the right. Susan B. Anthony was an activist who dedicated her whole life to making sure women had equal rights to vote, just like men did. Susan B. Anthony is important because she protested, went against the law, and created a national organization for women to stand together and fight for equal women rights. In the article, it says, “was a reformer and one of the first leaders of the campaign for women's rights. She helped organize the woman suffrage movement, which worked to get women the right to vote” …show more content…

Anthony's family supported major reforms, such as antislavery and temperance, the campaign to abolish alcoholic beverages” (Sochen). This citation shows how Anthony grew up and how her family worked towards equality and doing the right thing. Anthony attended district schools until her dad opened his own school and then she attended his school. After she finished her education, she taught at a New York female academy while she started to realize how unfairly men and women were treated at jobs and public meetings. Anthony grew up great, but as she grew up into an adult her eyes were opened by the truth of how unfair the world was to women and people of color when it came to speaking up and wanting power. Due to Anthony facing all these inequalities, she stood up and met someone named Elizabeth Cady Stanton and they both gathered together to create the National Woman's Suffrage Association in 1869. This Women’s Suffrage was a group that protested, created petitions, and went against the law because of what they believed in. These groups contained all types of women but not men because Anthony and Stanton believed that many men were the reason for women’s suffrage being left out

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