A Democratic Deficit in the EU

1416 Words3 Pages

A Democratic Deficit in the EU

The question over the legitimacy of the EU has been a nearly

continuous debate and many commentators appear to agree that the EU

suffers from a severe ‘democratic deficit’. There are many reasons why

this perception is so widespread. As a multinational body it lacks the

grounding in common history and culture upon which most individual

polities can draw. However, this should not necessarily disqualify

the EU from being treated as a democratically legitimate body. Andrew

Moravcsik believes concern about the EU’s ‘democratic deficit’ to be

misplaced. Judged against existing democracies, rather than ideal

parliamentary democracy, the EU is legitimate. Most critics overlook

the relatively optimistic conclusion because they analyse the EU in

ideal and isolated terms, drawing comparisons between the EU and a

utopian democracy. This use of idealistic standards is leads many

analysts to overlook the extent to which delegation and insulation are

widespread trends in modern democracies.

When analysts criticise the lack of democratic legitimacy in the EU

they generally point to the mode of political representation and the

nature of policy outputs. Only one branch of the EU is directly

elected is the European Parliament. Though stronger than it once was,

the EP remains is actually only one of four major actors in the EU

policy-making process. The EP is a body without power or

accountability, and easily dismissed just as a ‘talking shop’ (Colin

Pilkington.) Only 75% of its amendments are accepted by the Commission

and the Council of Ministers. For its part, the Commission enjoys a

powerful role but is widel...

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elected head of state to give democratically controlled direction to

the EU and concerns gain plausibility from the open role played by

non-elected officials in Brussels, and the geographical and cultural

distance between those regulators and the average European ‘person in

the street’. The recent enlargement has at least altered the

democratic legitimacy in a positive way. Each country has only one

commissioner now and it is further on its way towards a constitution

and a fairer weighted vote. The EU employs direct accountability via

the EP and indirect accountability via elected national officials.

When judged by the practices of existing nation-states and in the

context of a multi-level system, the EU does not suffer from a

fundamental democratic deficit to anymore of an extent that any

national government.

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