A Day in the Life of a Dancer

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Part One: From the Beginning
At four years old, my mom signed me up for my first dance class, and ever since then I haven’t stopped. Dancing has become more then a hobby for me, it has become something I am interested in doing the rest of my life. Dancing interests me because I love being active, working with others, and simply having fun while getting the job done, all of which dancing provides. Already, I know where to look for colleges that have solid dance programs because I have grown up watching dancers from my studio go to college to major in dance and they have given me advice on where to look. This is very helpful information however I would also like to know specifics about the day in the life of a dance major and how many dancers actually get jobs after college and are able to make a career dancing.
Part Two: The Day in the life of a Dancer
To begin my research I looked up my dream college, New York University. NYU would be an honor to attend as a dance major seeing that being accepted is extremely hard, and only very few dancers are selected every year to attend. I searched for the University online and discovered many helpful things that could help me in the future when I start preparing for auditions. I learned that there are two ways in which one can major; as a student of the University or as a student within a department of specialization or major. What this means is that you can either be accepted to the college through your grades, or through your dance audition. Another piece of helpful information I learned was that if I take dance credits at another University, they will not transfer over to my needed credits for NYU. This is important information to understand so when I look for colleges, I can keep in min...

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...ally love it and work hard for it.
Part Three: The Journey Ahead
This experience was very informative and helpful in my preparation for college and thinking about what I want to do for the rest of my life. I learned what it would be like to be a dancer and the everyday life of someone studying dance in college. I also learned how much dancers get paid and how many of them actually find jobs. I would still like to know a little more about life after college and how you go about auditioning and finding jobs. It is one thing to go to college for dance but another to make a career out of it. From here I will keep researching and asking questions as much as I can. I have a passion for dance and would love to continue to do it the rest of my life. This is a great start in leading me in the right direction, and helping me become as successful as I can in my dance career.

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