A Creative Classroom

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A Creative Classroom

Art education is an essential part of a child's development through life, and much of their learning for life takes place inside the classroom. Those first few years are so incredibly important to the development of each child, and without the creative learning opportunities, children will lack the qualities they need to grow in this world. Art will be something that they will use throughout their life time, so it is imperative to introduce it into their lives early on. This research paper will take a look at how art affects every child, and the importance to keeping art programs active in the growing education systems.

The Effects of Art in the Classroom

Can you imagine a world without color? A world without painting, and creative minds? This is the world we are heading towards if something doesn’t change in our classrooms.

Art education is disappearing and at a fast rate, and this is at the cost of our children’s educations. Art education renovates the environment for learning. Instead of a classroom where information is taught without classroom interaction, with simply a piece of paper and a pencil, imagine a lecture assisted by the students, for the students. By using creative techniques in every field of education, children will more easily grasp the concepts of such subjects as math and science, thus building their self-esteem and self worth. The truth is that art education “makes a tremendous impact on the developmental growth of every child and has proven to help level the "learning field" across socio-economic boundaries” (americansforthearts.com). It has been statistically supported that children do better all around in their education if art is involved one way or another. For exam...

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... and fun yet enriching and elevating. However programs like these can be saved with your help. Simply get involved with organizations around your community such as the art council nearest you or your children’s PTA to have a place where you can feel free to speak and voice your opinion about the injustice to your children’s education.

Although art education is facing hardships today, it is imperative that someway and somehow it remains alive and functioning in our children’s classrooms. Without creative teaching our children will be faced with a colorless world lacking culture and diversity. Without artistic models, they will be forced to grow and learn in a world that lacks important life concept and ultimately will never be able to use their unique accepted wisdom they acquired in the classroom to appreciate the beauty and importance of the world they live in.

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