A Comparison of the Film Versions of William Golding's Lord of the Flies

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A Comparison of the Film Versions of William Golding's Lord of the Flies

We have read Lord of the Flies by William Golding (1954) and also seen

the scene “the death of Piggy” in the two film versions directed by

Peter Brook (1961) and Harry Hook (1994). The black and white version

by Peter Brook is very close to the text since the characters look the

same in the film as they are described.

Harry Hooks’ intentions for this film were to make it have a lot of

action and to make money from it. Where as Peter Brook is just trying

to make a moving image of the text and he doesn’t plan to make it more


The colour version by Harry Hook is quite different from the text

because of how it has been adapted to fit modern life. It has been

adapted so much that it isn’t really a moving image of Golding’s

novel. It is quite different because of the variations that have been

made. Such as how it is in colour and the children are American and

not English. Also they swear in this film. Harry Hooks’ intentions for

this film were to make it have a lot of action

Differences between films

In Peter Brooks’ version of the film a spear is levered under the rock

before the eventual death of piggy. This is important because it is

showing that the murder is premeditated and that the children had

intentions to kill him. In Harry Hooks’ version, one of the boys

pushes the rock. This is wrong because it is showing that Piggys death

is not necessarily premeditated and it could have just been an

accident what is not as bad as murder. In the text a spear is placed

under the rock implying that it was heavy and needed some force to

move it.


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... gives more action if it is slow motion.

· Rock hits piggy, he lies on the floor motionless, conch just falls

to the floor and doesn’t break into tiny pieces-If the conch smashed

and shattered it would give more effect and depth to how much force

the rock had.

· Close up of piggy lying on the floor with blood around his face then

shows all the boys looking at him to see what has happened to piggy.

· Shows through piggy’s eyes, all boys crowed round him and everything

is silent.

I have decided that Peter Brooks’ version of moving image is the most

accurate to the text. This is shown in my media assignment. Harry

Hooks’ aim was to make profit out of the text by adding a few changes

to make it seem more exciting, but in Fact he is changing Golding’s

intentions from what he wanted people to take from his novel.

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