A Comparison of Snow White and Iron Hans

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A Comparison of Snow White and Iron Hans

I am going to be comparing and contrasting Snow White with the play

Iron Hans (from Grimm tales) which was a successful school production.

We rehearsed it from October till November which was when we performed

the play to a real outside audience.

My contribution to the production of Iron Hans was as a King but also

I acted as a huntsman too. My roles as King was quite enjoyable but at

the same time difficult as my lines were split because some lines I

had to narrate and others were normal. I basically was used to inform

the audience on what was going on so I was a dramatic tool used to

keep the audience engaged. As huntsman I helped two other huntsmen

bail water out of the pond and capture the monster Iron Hans, we then

had to take him to the king's castle.

The story line includes a young boy who was a prince playing with his

ball which accidentally rolls in too the captured monster's cage, the

monster tells him to fetch the key and unlock him so the innocent boy

does it. The boy then realizes if he is caught he will be beaten and

pleads with Iron Hans to take him with him, Iron Hans who wants to

return the favour accepts the request and takes him. Iron Hans owns a

lovely golden pool and warns the boy not to touch it; the boy does not

listen so Iron Hans sends him away but tells him if he is in trouble

to shout for his name. The boy comes to a castle looking for work and

falls in love with the beautiful Princess, he thinks to himself if I

impress the King I will be able to marry his daughter. At the time the

King's kingdoms is at war and are out numbered by the enemy so what

the boy does is he calls Iron Hans and asks him to gather men to go

and help the king. The King is grateful offers the boy gold but he

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