A Comparison Of Zombies And Warm Bodies

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Zombies. Those green, stinky, rotting bodies that trudge around and eat brains in every apocalypse movie. They are feared and despised by many, but could zombies ever be loved? In Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, a plague has infected millions of people, leaving them half-alive and half-dead and forcing the uninfected to hide. Typical zombies; biting and infecting humans, creating more zombies. The zombie protagonist, R, is not the stereotypical zombie. Unlike his friends, R has feelings and emotions and would rather be listening to music than eating flesh. He cares about others, especially Julie, a human girl that he saves and protects from being infected. At first, Julie is disgusted and confused by him, but R still falls in love and soon Julie’s harsh thoughts about R changes. Together they change the meaning of undead. They are the only hope in their dying world. In Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion, also a major motion picture, the author of the book and the director of the movie incorporate many similarities and differences, through the setting, characters, and plot, that leave a big impact on the story, both good and bad.
In both the book and the movie, the airport, R’s airplane, and the stadium are all very important settings. In the book, R’s home is the airport. He and his zombie friends linger around, traveling by broken conveyer belts and escalators. R even has his own airplane. In this airplane is where R holds Julie captive, “I lead her to gate 12, down the boarding tunnel and into my home: a 747 commercial jet” (21). Julie sits silently for hours, just staring out the window then looking at R’s collection of records and souvenirs scattered around the plane. In the movie, the director does a fantastic job recreating the airp...

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...k, surprise, anger, or joy. Viewers are either left satisfied or frustrated with the all changes that are made. Similarities let readers see the best scenes from the book. They are able to compare their imagination to what is depicted on screen. Warm Bodies by Isaac Marion is exceptionally depicted in a movie; including settings, characters, and plot. Personally, I enjoy and prefer the book more. The book was more emotional, dramatic and shocking. Even though the movie was more visual and was also shocking, viewers are left with unnecessary joy and happiness at the end. The movie leaves out the death of General Grigio, which is one of the most important scenes in the book. In Warm Bodies, the settings and the characters mostly stayed the same and although a lot of the plot is different, the movie leaves viewers with the same answer as readers; zombies can be loved.

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