A Comparison Of Will Gluck's Film Easy A And The Scarlet Letter

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In the novel The Scarlet Letter, the author Nathaniel Hawthorne illustrates life in the 17th century of Hester Prynne, an adulterer, and her daughter Pearl. Hawthorne depicts the good qualities of Hester throughout the novel although her sin has casted her and her daughter out of Puritan society. Moreover, in 2010, the director Will Gluck created the film Easy A, many say it is the identical and updated version of The Scarlet Letter. The film Easy A illustrates the story of a teenage girl; Olive Prendergast is accused of prostitution through rumors in her school. Despite the opposing cultural and social backgrounds, the similarities in the overall plot between concealing secrets, the effect of sin, and being able to others is the reason why Will Gluck's film Easy A is the modern version of the novel The Scarlet Letter.
Throughout the novel, Hester keeps the secrets to protect herself, her daughter Pearl and her lover Dimmesdale. Hester keeps secret from the Puritan society that Dimmesdale is the father of Pearl in order to protect Dimmesdale's position in the church. When the town asks Hester to admit who the father is she states, ""I will not speak!" answered Hester, “And my child must seek a heavenly father; she shall never know an earthly one!”" (78). Hester was willing not to share even though Dimmesdale wanted her to confess and it would allow Dimmesdale help parent Pearl. This demonstrates the good character of Hester, despite how it ridiculed her that her lover had high power in the community when he was just as much to blame. Also, Hester never shares the true identity of the mysterious doctor Chillingworth to society in fear of hurting her lover. As Chillingworth starts getting closer to Dimmesdale and affecting his h...

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...ive originally was trying to help others out in the expense of giving up her reputation. To the boys she helped, she was considered a nice person and was helpful. In result, the two characters both throughout their story lines were selfless and helped others no matter the cost of their reputation.

The novel The Scarlet Letter and the film Easy A's plot is very similar overall. Even though not all minor details are the same, the biggest points and theme are the same. Between the powerful secrets that Hester and Olive kept to keep reputations intact and people protected, the major impact their sins affected their life and where they were labeled in society, and how both characters helped others and were considered able made the film and the novel very similar. Will Gluck's movie Easy A is the updated and upbeat version of the classic novel The Scarlet Letter.

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