A Comparison Of Slaughterhouse Five And The Things They Carried

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The books we read in Creative Writing are Slaughterhouse-Five and The Things They Carried. Slaughterhouse-Five was written by Kurt Vonnegut in 1969 and The Things They Carried was written by Tim O’Brien in 1990. The Things They Carried and Slaughterhouse-Five are two examples of anti-war literature. Slaughterhouse-Five is a story describing the time traveling between periods of time in Billie’s life. Billie is an American prisoner in the Dresden, Germany. The Things They Carried is a journal of the events that occurred in the Vietnam War that the author writes from the Alpha Company. These two stories are similar and different in their description of the horrors of war. They are classic anti-war books. The two books are successful in blending fiction and nonfiction items to demonstrate dreamlike and unbelievable descriptions that give a complete picture of war.
War veterans wrote Slaughterhouse-Five and The Things They Carried. Some parts of the book are made for readers to believe and the other parts give realistic examples of war. The authors introduce their plots as truth-based on purpose. In the chapter “Notes”, O’Brien admits: “that part of the story is my own.” (O’Brien 151). In the first chapter of Slaughterhouse-Five, Kurt Vonnegut begins with: “All this happened, more or less.” (Vonnegut 1). The authors create a picture for the reader on their past experiences to make their stories real. Even the parts that are fiction are not lies, because the writers have the knowledge to be able to generalize, shorten, and produce events in the book. O’Brien writes: “story-truth is truer sometimes than happening-truth.” (O’Brien 172). It seemed as if Vonnegut and O’Brien used fiction to make the story more exciting. They write abo...

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... war, but: “Tim trying to save Timmy’s life with a story.” (O’Brien 233). The stories by the veterans of war, struggle with their own mental illnesses in their stories of fiction. Both stories are about their reflection of the war they served in.
In conclusion Slaughterhouse-Five and The Things They Carried are two successful anti-war novels. Slaughterhouse-Five is over the top with its science fiction and illusion, while The Things They Carried is serious and reflective. These books are different in tone and the two authors take similar routes to the same goal. Both books are based on the experiences of the authors themselves. The two books run parallel and tell the terrors of war. These books are both paintings of human nature in the perspective of war and by showing the behavior of humans at war. These books effectively send their anti-war messages to readers.

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