A Comparison Of Indiana Jones And Raiders Of The Lost Ark?

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Have you ever seen Indiana Jones and Raiders of the Lost Ark? In that movie if you’re paying attention you can see a faithful reproduction of the biblical account of the Ark of the Covenant – the most sacred of all objects from the Bible. It is gilded with Gold, with fine woods and carvings – with the figures of two cherubs (keruvim – those who bring God close) on top – wings outstretched and barely touching at the point where God’s presence might one day descend and perhaps glow brightly like a metaphoric shining light of truth and knowledge.
This image, and the detail that goes into it in the Torah’s description, loom large in the Jewish imagination, and our conceptualization of our community. As the Israelites move forward into the desert, surely they can rally behind this glorious homage to God’s greatness – surely they will be proud to march to the Promised Land behind this banner for holiness, the ultimate reminder of God’s presence. And within the Ark, the tablets themselves, perhaps the broken first set alongside the second set that Moses carved himself. What could be more powerful?
And pay attention to the chronology. Moses brings the tablets down the mountain, and later provides instructions about the Ark’s construction. The people have the chance to hear the words, and then engage themselves in the creation of a beautiful home – a Temple if you will. Once the community has been involved, they have no problem investing with Gold and Silver to make the tablets majestic and regal.
So this week’s Torah portion is a bit confusing. We read from Moses’ mouth:
At that time God said to me, [Moses]: 'carve out for yourself two tablets of stone, like the first ones, and come up to me to the mountain, and make for yourself an ark o...

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...mment is that Moses, as the group’s spiritual leader, had the right idea in mind. When our leadership help us focus upwards, to the heavens, to our best selves, we succeed in our mission, whether fighting a war or building a sanctuary. When our leaders forget that mission, and our focus turns down- towards pettiness and false pride, then we are liable to build buildings without the investment of the people who fill the seats. We are liable to create beautiful and ornate houses for broken tablets, which can never lead us in our worldly mission. Our task force and building team is inspired by their commitment to the little wooden box, the Ark that reminds us of who we are on the inside that cannot be written down in stone. In addition, of course, our new space will be beautiful, but it will also shine with a light that is brighter than gold and silver can provide. Amen

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