A Comparison Of Ancient China's Geography, Religion, And Achievements

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Ancient China lasted so long from their Geography, Religion, and Achievement. China’s geography has helped the civilization last over 4,000 years because it made good trade routes, allowed them to get good resources to get significant money. Religion has helped China’s civilization because it created and push out treads they do today. Achievements helped the Chinese civilization last over 4,000 years because it helps their economy and made it easier to protect from invaders and some of the inventions that are still used today. Ancient China lasted so long from their Geography, Religion, and Achievement

China’s geography has helped the civilization last over 4,000 years because it made good trade routes, allowed them to get good resources to get significant money. The map shows ancient China’s geography is made up of the “Yellow and East China seas, the Gobi desert, the great wall, silk route, Taklamakan desert, Himalayas mountains and a couple river.” This helped China because things like the silk route connected China to many countries including today Germany and the great wall was protection and they were also used to help spy in and outside of the kingdom. China’s geography has helped the civilization last over 4,000 years because it made good trade routes. …show more content…

The Chinese believed in many gods. This means they were Polytheism. The three religions that the Ancient Chinese followed were Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism. Taoism believes that they shouldn’t sacrificial animal so they stopped doing that. Religion has helped China’s civilization because it created and push out treads they do

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