A Cold Short Story

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Cold. Cold like snow without gloves. Cold that makes your eyes feel as if they are being digested. Cold. My steps echoed upon the old crackling wood floor. The pace of the echoing sounds quickened. My hands pushed in the door which gave a tired moan. Doosh, Doosh, Doosh - i landed upon the frictionless concrete. The vastness of the world lay before me. Then, like the geese of the north the door fled into oblivion. With haste i hopped inside the van, the roar of a million horrors sound out into the streets. I was carried away… “The leaves are falling.”- i told my mother. She gave me a quick grin and faced the streets once more. The ride was quiet, tension choked the air. We passed a place where caged things scratch walls. Then yielded. I exited the van, my feet touching the ground - i felt as if i had touched the surface of Mars. Together we walked. Walked into a small corridor soon revealing itself as a larger rectangular room lit by florescent beams. There were tons of people, all seated of course. I gingerly pressed a finger smudged button which extruded the accountant's desk. And out came a tiny paper with a number printed on it with faded ink. …show more content…

The forms we had brought were incorrect. We bolted, the wind sifted through her hair as dust through fingers until we reached the Van. The tires screeched exhaling smoke like dragons. Guided by light we docked back home. We scurried and scurried like rats through pipelines. Back in the car we held what was missing - speeding back we corrected our

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