A Christian Worldview Analysis

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Knowledge production is a highly political and politicized practice (Morrell, 2014).

A worldview is a philosophy of life or concept of the world: ‘a Christian world view revolves around the battle of good and evil’ (University, 1884). A person’s worldview can be affected by many factors in life – it can be affected by their inherited characteristics, by their life situations and their background experiences , by their values in life, by their attitudes and lastly their habits that they developed in life and many more factors, all these factors can vary from one person to another.

Carol Hill said: “By worldview I mean the basic way of interoperating things and events that pervades a culture so thoroughly that it becomes a culture’s concept …show more content…

James sire gives the following definition of worldview:” A world view is a set of presuppositions (assumptions which may be true, practically true or entirely false) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously, consistently or inconsistently) about the basic make-up of our world.

The first major world view is that there is no God – or gods and Atheistic materialism. The subheadings that we get under the first view is; reality, humans, how do we know things, meaning, death, morality and values, and history. The Atheistic materialism is a relative new to the historical scene in any remarkable measure, but now it appears to be in dismissal. Statistician David Barrett says: “Since 1970 the number of atheists has dropped from 4.6% of world population to 3.8%. David Barrett predicts that it will continue to decline.

The second major worldview is Hinduism, Buddhism and New Age thinking. The subheadings that we get under the second major world view is; reality, matter, humans, meaning, how we know truth, morality, death, and history. In this worldview the main focus is on how we can improve ourselves, rather than how we know God. A popular New Age magazine says:”All paths lead to God. The true path finally becomes self-empowerment: the path pf self-love. Then one demonstrates that they can manifest God and no longer need to look outside themselves for this information. They have become the path

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