A Cat Named Mercy Play Summary

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In Josefina Lopez’s amazing play “A Cat Named Mercy” performed at CASA 0101 in Los Angeles, Lopez does a great job along with the actors and theatrical staff to produce a play that reflects the real life struggles of undocumented immigrants, the health care system in America, race relations, and poverty. The performance includes actors Alex Ximenez, Beatriz E. Vasquez, Blanca Araceli, Michael Cota and is directed by Hector Rodriquez. The theme of the show is to show how millions of people in the U.S. suffer without the help and benefits of health insurance. Hector Rodriguez does a great job at directing the story of Catalina Rodriguez (Alex X) a single nurse who is struggling to care for and support her mother (Blanca A), who is blind, undocumented and uninsured. Catalina soon learns that she is sick and is in need of an expensive operation that she can’t pay for. While working at a retirement home she sees what people go through before they die. Throughout …show more content…

There was one moment where I …show more content…

The retirement home included a bed, receptionist desk, and table and chair and looked close to what you see in hospitals and homes for old people. The street scene included a stop sign garbage cans a building door and an outline of a sidewalk. The lighting was good it was nice and bright and would change often show the moods of the characters. The costumes looked exactly like what people in hospitals wear and and the other actors like the old patients wore what you see old people wearing in today’s world. The sound was right also and felt scary too sometimes because it sounded to real when the actors would scream and cry and

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