A Career As A Pediatric Nurse

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Ansley Lorance Mrs. Lozares Honors English II 15 February 2017 (Insert Creative Title Here) I have wished to become a nurse ever since I was a little kid. I have memories of being sick when I was a child, and I remember how the nurses at the doctor’s clinic were always so kind and aiding. Nursing has always appealed to me as a future career choice. I love helping people, and I am very interested in medical studies. I would like to specialize in pediatrics because I love children and being a child’s nurse can have an astounding effect on the rest of their life. Pediatric nursing is something that I can see myself doing for as long as I live. Pediatric nurses have an array of tasks that they complete on a daily basis. Taking care of ill children …show more content…

Nurses see people suffer daily. A nurse needs to be able to deal with intense and difficult situations in a professional manner. They need to be courageous enough to be around these types of conditions. These workers also need to devote 100% of themselves to their patients. Children especially need to have extra attention since they are not fully mature. They need to have a caring and compassionate personality to be able to be selfless in their work. Patience is also an important quality in nurses, especially the ones who work around children. People of this profession also need to have physical strength to be on their feet all day and to do tasks such as lifting patients. Nurses deal with many different hardships everyday, so they need to have the personal qualities to be able to focus on the tasks that they need to …show more content…

There is a big risk of getting sick. Nurses are around sick people all day, and if something goes wrong they could contact something from an everyday cold to a deadly disease. The work schedule is also a difficult part of the job. Schedules can get in the way of personal time. Family events have to be planned around work. Working with more experienced nurses and doctors can either be an enjoyable part of work or a pain. Co-workers can sometimes have a brash attitude which is not pleasant to be around. Patients and families may also be difficult and hard to deal with.

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