A Career As A Community Scholar

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My life goal is to utilize my talents, abilities, and assets to assist others. Moreover, I wish to spread the importance of service, possibility and mentorship to my peers. Within my educational career, I have taken a vast amount of steps to ensure that my actions correlate with my ethics. When I became a student at Clemson University, the availability to undertake these opportunities skyrocketed. I am acknowledged as a Clemson Community Scholar. Within this program, I am required to conduct 56 hours of community service per semester. Recently, I surpassed the required amount of community service hours and gained the President’s Service Award. I utilized the knowledge gained from my curriculum, regarding healthcare, and focused the information …show more content…

The primary goal of my future non-profit organization is to mass produce effective lives through equal opportunity. In order to achieve these goals, I plan to become as culturally proficient as possible. I hope to conduct research abroad through the obtainment of a Fulbright grant or through an internship outside of the United States. Furthermore, I want to get involved with organizations that are geared towards global health such as the World Health Organization and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. In regards to the creation of “Agents of Blessings”, I am currently in the process of finding a position as an ambassador of the community outreach program within a pharmaceutical company. To succeed at my goals, mentorship is essential. I have gained mentors who have accomplished similar goals, such as current pharmacist, recent Peace Corps volunteers, and global health …show more content…

My minor in non-profit leadership will give me the knowledge and certification needed to enter the non-profit business sector. Moreover, a bachelor’s degree in microbiology builds a strong foundation in regards to the pharmacy school curriculum. There is a vast amount of critical thinking within being a microbiology major. The ability to think critically, be curious and overcome challenges are characteristics within personal growth. To acquire academic success as a microbiology major, one must acquire these traits. For this reason, I have chosen microbiology as my major. Microbiology is fascinating and emphasizes the concept of exploring the hidden aspects of the image in order to understand the entire portrait. The philosophy involved in this particular science is in line with how I view life. I place value in things that are not easily seen through the naked eye, yet through faith I am certain of their possible

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