A Brief Note On Mosque And Mosque

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There are many very different religious buildings that people go to worship and practice their own religion. Each of these religious buildings is very different from the other. Currently the two largest religions in the world are Islam and Christianity. Their religious buildings are very different from each other. Mosques, where Muslims go to worship, and Churches, where Christians go to worship, differ in many ways. The structure and decorations of the building, the way they worship inside the building and the religious leaders they have in the mosque and church are different in many ways. The belief each religion has affects the way their religious building is built and run.
The structures and decorations of the religious buildings are very different. When you enter a mosque you will notice that there are no images of people, animals, or God. That’s because Muslims only worship Allah and they do not know how God looks so they cannot hang up an image. It is also considered wrong to hang a picture of another human being because it makes it seem like you are worshipping the picture and the only person you should worship is Allah. But when you enter a Church you can usually find a picture of Christ, and some Churches might have pictures of saints. That is because they know what Christ looks like and the people who attend church worship him. The windows in a mosque will usually have geometrical signs or words. Looking at windows in a church they would usually have a picture Jesus or Mary or even saints. This too has to do with Muslims not putting pictures because they are considered wrong in the religion they practice. In a mosque worshippers will generally sit and pray on a clean carpet which is why there are usually no chairs ins...

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... religious figures are respected by the community. They serve in similar ways but their lives are different. Once a Priest makes his oath he can never break that oath but an Imam does this as his job and is usually hired by the community to help run and guide the people in the mosque.
A mosque and church have many differences. Those are the structure of the building, worship that takes place in the religious building and their religious figures. Even though they both believe in a God they still have their different beliefs. Each ones belief plays a big part with how building is. The way it is built and run is majorly affected by what the religion believes. Entering a mosque compared to entering a church is very different even though there may be some similarities the majority of the buildings are different from one another due to the difference in each religion.

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