9/11 Short Stories

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Timothy Williams woke to the sounds of wind scraping sand across his hotel room glass window. The third floor, shared hotel room was completely dark. However, the digital clock showed it was 9:17AM. Tim pushed his back upwardly as he rested on his elbows as his mind questioned to himself, Was this an eclipse or a nightmare?
Until another gust pelted their window, causing his roommate to arouse from slumber.
Kwan Shin's body rolled over in the twisted bed linen as he moaned in a groggy, "The Sound. Stop it. Please."
Tim raised from his bed wearing his gray cotton shorts, while his brother's dog tags made a clinking noise from their faithful positioned around his neck against a stainless steel two-inch cylinder tube, that no one noticed or …show more content…

From inside that room, Bryan Stankovic could be heard saying, "This is amazing man. I'm getting this on video. Would you look at this fool? He's chasing his chicken. This is hysterical!"
Tim moved past the bellman at the doorway, only to observe Bryan using his iPhone to capture the moment.
Bryan continued from his room, "Right to YouTube. Damn it, I've got no signal! What the hell in going on? Freaking Third World country!"
Tim shook his head from hearing Bryan's lack of concern for their own safety. There stood quarterback Stankovic mocking the severity of this natural disaster. They were on a goodwill mission, yet this idiot was constantly complaining with no regards to anyone around him.
Bryan's newly appointed room faced the Hotel's granite front entry with its own balcony with dual French doors. Nonetheless, the ornate ironwork was caked by the storm with sand.
Honestly, why was Bryan here? Tim had to question himself and again, Why would Cara romance a guy like this?
Tim could not determine a logically reason, which infuriated him.
Tim turned back to Bellman Bashir, and asked, "Excuse me, but how long do this storms normally …show more content…

Why?" Tim answered.
"He asked that all his delegation meet at ten o'clock in the Tea Room off the lobby."
Bashir continued, but in a scandalous tone, "Apparently, he had a long chat with the Ambassador. And a little too much to drink. Enjoy the rest of your day, gentlemen."
With a smirk, Bellman Bashir sauntered to the following room.
Tim pondered to himself, Why is this bellman talking trash about Minister Mike? Maybe, I should alert Giselle or Daniel.
"Dudes, are my sleeping beauties awake yet?" teased Bryan as he marched down the hall to their doorway, and continued, "One freaking storm, and the phone service goes down. No wonder why we withdrew from Iraq."
Bryan strutted by Tim into their room wearing only his square cut briefs. As he approached Kwan, Bryan finger flicked the side of Kwan's earlobe, causing Kwan to rub it as Kwan looked towards Bryan away from the window and the impeding storm.
Bryan announced to both, "Let's get a move on boys. You heard that bellman. Ten o'clock. Downstairs. Hey, Kwan. Nice underwear."
Bryan circled the room, then stopped next to Tim as he crossed his arms over his chest. Tim watched Stankovic surveying their sparse accommodations. All the while, Tim wished Bryan would

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