8.6 Motivational Challenges Case Study

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The A Motivation - 8.6 Motivational Challenges

We have seen many of the ways in which motivation can be built and sustained. People get motivated based on the need stage they are in based on Maslow’s hierarchy in rising order- physiological, safety, social, esteem and self actualization. People are motivated to achieve their goals be it personal or work related in their business or organizations that they are employed. As in every sphere of life, challenges exist in the motivation area too. Due to these challenges, people get de-motivated from pursuing their goals. But there are many ways how one can overcome these challenges. The below list will help us look from the challenge perspective and help to identify and remove obstacles in our path.
• Multiple choices: There are many situations in the pursuit of chasing our goals, which we come across where there will be multiple choices to choose plan of actions. This scenario can be confusing to the person and can slow down the chase. It is like a kid in a candy store. There are multiple types of sweets and he will take a very long time to make a decision as he cannot buy all of them. The best way for a person facing an abundance of options is to narrow the list down to two or three options. It will be …show more content…

The motivation helps them deliver their best. However, there are a few challenges in case the person is not healthy. Following up pursuit of goals is not an easy task. It involves lot of hard work and sacrifices to achieve milestones. This has its effects on the body in terms of stress which could harm the person. Exhaustion can lead to the person getting demotivated. So one has to take care to see that physical fitness is maintained with regular exercise. A person’s sleep pattern also has to be analyzed and needed corrections done so that good health will help in good

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