6 Truths About Myths, Symbols, Legends And Dreams

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6 Truths About Myths, Symbols, Legends and Dreams

When was the last time you did something for personal fulfillment? The last time you did something just for your growth?

At age 32, Joseph Campbell retired to Woodstock for four years to read the classics. He spent long periods reading, all the while mining the world’s stories for connections that became available to the world later through his extensive writing.

Carl Jung also embarked on an extended, inner journey he called his “confrontation with the unconscious.” He used the time to sort out his main theories and develop one of the most influential works in the history of psychology: The Red Book.

What I’m leading up to is this.

Individuals who fulfill their life’s task have certain …show more content…

An example of a legend is the tale of Atlantis. Legends emphasize a story more than the significance of a story. Legends help us grow by giving us stories rich with moral or philosophical meaning we might apply to our lives.

Symbols. Symbols are objects or images that an individual unconsciously uses to represent something else. “We have no symbolic life,” Jung once said, “and we are all badly in need of a symbolic life!”

Dreams. Dreams are symbolic expressions of the unconscious. They can help us process new, important emotionally-charged information about our lives. They help us understand new experiences and cope with trauma or loss.

Myths give us role models. Ever wonder why superhero movies are so popular? Children pattern themselves after heroes and connect with many archetypal characters like Superman and Wonderwoman. As adults we can find strength in stories about deities and mythical figures, and their heroic journeys as well.

Myths explain the incomprehensible. What is our fate after death? What are the reasons for a crisis, a drought or a miracle? The Greeks turned to myths when they faced the mysteries of life and so do we. Myths satisfy our need to understand the natural

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