6 Stages Of Decomposition In Humans

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Decomposition is a natural process of dead animal or plant tissue will rot and break down. The process is fungi and bacteria. Plants and animals can be recycled. Anything that is living on earth will die at some point. most plants naturally complete their life cycle and die within a year. a 40 kg pig is a resembles to the human body in its fat distribution cover of hair and ability to attract insects. these factors make pigs more like humans when it comes to understanding how the process of decay of the human body. there are 6 stages of decomposition the first one is the living pig . the 2nd stage is initial decay. 0 to 3 days after death shortly after death appears fresh from the outside the the bacteria that before death. were feeding on predatory beetles lay their eggs in the corpse the larvae will then hatch out and feed on the decaying flesh. parasitoid wasps are much more common, to lay their eggs inside of the maggots and pupae. the 5th stage butyric fermentation 20 to 50 days after death all the remaining flesh is removed over this period and the body dries out its will have a cheesy smell, caused by the butyric acid, and the smell will start to attract a new suite of corpse organisms. the part of the body that comes in contact with the ground becomes covered with mould as the body ferments. the cheese fly consumes any remaining moist flesh at this stage, even though it is uncommon earlier in decay. stage 6 dry decay 50 to 365 days after death the body is now dry and decays very slowly and then all the hair disappears leaving the bones only. the animals which can feed on hair include tineid moths, and micro-organisms like bacteria and mites, in turn will feed on these micro-organisms. they will remain on the body as long as traces of hair remain which depends on the amount of the hair that covers the particular species. humans and pigs will have relatively little hair and this stage is short for these

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