500 Word Essay On Babies

530 Words2 Pages

A Scottish couple, Alana and Paul Merrie were ecstatic when they found out they were pregnant with twins. They knew that there was a high likelihood that they would have twins because of the history of twins that runs in both sides of their families. Thirty-three year old Alana told reporters that “My dad has brothers who were twins, and we have twins on my mum’s side of the family". They soon learnt that they would be having twin boys. The scans showed that the babies were a good size and they were growing well. Alana who happens to be a doctor was more concerned about the babies being healthy than anything else. As the months progressed, Alana's belly kept on growing and expanding so much so that people started to comment about the size of her bump which looked like a oversized bowling ball! Total strangers would stop and come up to her asking whether she was due soon or just about to give birth right on the spot. As a doctor herself, Alana knew that the size of the bump was to be expected since she was carrying more than one baby but like most doctors she estimated that they would probably weigh around five pounds each at birth. She had no reason to suspect that she would be giving birth to a pair of record breaking babies in Edinburgh or the entire Scotland. …show more content…

Their combined weight of 16lb 13oz weight of is 7lb heavier than what twins typically weigh at birth and almost the weight of a six month old baby. The midwives at the Royal Edinburgh Infirmary were floored by how big these babies were. The staff at the hospital said they had delivered babies that big

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