5 Pillars Of Islam Research Paper

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The Five Pillars of Islam are a guide for the followers of the Islamic religion. The original Arabic translations of the Five Pillars of Islam are Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, and Hajj.
The people of the Islamic religion are expected to be reverent and follow the Five Pillars of Islam as a guide on how to conduct themselves in relation to other followers of Islam as well as other non-followers. The basic meaning of each of the Five Pillars of Islam are, to believe in Allah, worship Allah, ask what is wanted, give to charity to the poor, and participate in the journey to the Holy land. The followers of Islam are taught that if they fully believe in Allah and follow the Five Pillars of Islam with the strict regard will be promised good fortune after death.
The first pillar Shahadah is for the follower to practice the Muslim religion. The Shahadah, the first pillar of Islam requires that each follower of the Muslims faith to …show more content…

Ramadan occurs on the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. During Sawm all Muslims fast for a period of one month usually 29–30 days in remembrance of when Muhammad was visited by the Arch-angel Gabriel who gave him a verse of the Quran. Sawm occurs annually based upon the visual sighting of the crescent moon. Muslims cannot eat, drink, anything during hours the sun is shining. In addition to the fasting, Muslims may not smoke and are to remain celibate during Ramadan. There is an exception in Sawm that only the individuals who are healthy and young enough need to follow this rule the unhealthy and really old are not required to participate. The Muslims use Sawm to increase their spiritual and mental focus. They believe by controlling and conditioning themselves to resist their primal urges the body produces they can grow both in spiritual and mentally. When Ramadan is over all Muslims have a celebration what is referred to as Eid ul-Fitr or Ramzan and celebrate the

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