4 Components Of UDL

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4 Components of U.D.L U.D.L stands for universally designed curriculum. The UDL is made up of 4 essential pillars. The end goal, materials and resources, methods, and assessments. All of these things are important and just like a house if one corner is built on a weak foundation it can all come crumbling down. Luckily however the U.D.L is tried and true and can be a valuable asset to help in the evaluation process. The end result of any U.D.L is the child’s successful understanding of the material presented to them. Whether it be they were allotted extra time on a test, or given a verbal quiz as long as the UDL is followed it helps the child. Sometimes if the school is too concerned with trying to catch students up to their peers it can harm the …show more content…

For example, you might be doing an exercise and half the class seems to have add quit background knowledge and doesn’t need to much guidance to do what you have planned for the day. While the other half of the class doesn’t have that same background information so they are becoming frustrated and just want to give up. If this was the case instead of the students working by themselves to complete the worksheet tell them to get in groups and work on it together. That way the likely hood of everyone not understanding is dropped by the students help of their peers. The fourth and final pillar is Assessment. Academic Assessment plays a pivotal role in the learning environment of today. Assessments have to rigorously be linked back into the learning targets to make sure that the students learning is on track. If this isn’t something that is checked on the student could potentially focus to much time on one assessment and fall behind what the rest of the class is doing. As a teacher it is your job to find a balance and make sure every student is moving forward at progressive

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