3D Concept

597 Words2 Pages

As an artist, there are many times in which I need specific measurements to create an accurate representation of whatever I happen to be recreating. In general, it is not too difficult to get these measurements. Even if I do not have the specific object with me, there are endless sources of research these days, with the Internet, and I can almost always find whatever it is I am looking for. However, my most favorite thing to draw happens to be one of the few things that does not have specific measurements. Human beings vary in all shapes and sizes, and this can make it very difficult to draw them accurately. My interest now has turned to 3D modeling, particularly modeling characters. Calculating the proper proportions is even more important when it comes to this. There are many people who have written of the proper proportions of the human body, but the earliest and most accurate I can find is the one from Leonardo Da Vinci. Most everyone knows of, or at least has heard, of Da Vinci. He was a man ahead of his time, a great scientist as well as artist, and although he may h...

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