35F Intelligence Analysis

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The 35F Intelligence Analyst course has not used any methods outside of classroom instruction to teach new soldiers intelligence analysis. The use of applications tied to the course is new ground for the committee and has the potential to change who teaching is being done at this course. For this research design, a quasi-experimental research design will be used because some of the results that will be looked at have already occurred. For instance, average grades of classes in the past who have not had the ability to use m-Learning tools will be compared to students who are using these tools to take the same course. For this research, grades, interviews, surveys, and observations will be used. This method was selected for several reasons: …show more content…

Participants The participants will be new recruits who are coming to Fort Huachuca for their Advanced Individual Training (AIT). Most AIT soldiers are high school graduates between the ages of 18 to 26 and learn the equivalent of 30 college credits during 11 weeks that they train. M-Learning Applications have the potential aid in the learning of the complex subjects taught at the 35F Course I will have access to between 10 and 15 students who be using the mobile application to help study and they will be compared to our normal classes which do not as yet use that technology. The control group will be up to 30 students. Design A quasi-experimental method will be used to test the theory m-Learning Applications. The study is based on test scores and surveys on a 50 question multiple choice exam and a fill in the blank marking document. The test results would be compared in each of the groups and a Likert style survey would be given to get information about how the students thought they did and what they could have done better. The Likert style survey is preferred because it allows the answers to be easily converted to a numerical scale of 1 to 5 where 1 is strongly agree and 5 is strongly disagree or vice versa depending on how the survey is

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