2nd Saw Movie Analysis

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Imagine you are waking up in a strange room that is not familiar to you. You wake up to see that you are not the only one that is in the room. As everyone is starting to wake up they all start to break down and figure out where they are and why they are in this same room that you are in. No one can remember the last few hours. As everyone starts to come to, everyone notices something moving away from the corner. There is a puppet riding a small tricycle that moves into the center of the room. Once he stops his mouth opens and out comes the first mission that everyone is about to face. Everyone is told they have to find a key that will unlock the door that will let everyone out to their next mission. No one knows that they are involved …show more content…

Here is where the audience finds out that there is a man whose eye is messed up. Next they see that Jigsaw comes on a screen that is in the room to give the man his instructions and how he can be freed from the face mask that he is in. Jigsaw says all he has to do is to find the key and unlock the mask and he will be free. He notices that on the screen there is a man laying on a table getting a surgical procedure done and he is told that that is him and that the key was placed behind his eye. All he has to do is remove his eye and he can escape. This makes the audience think is it worth to remove one of your eyes just to save your life really worth the risk? Thinking about removing your own eye and then trying to escape the death mask without dying from the mask or if removing your eye and surviving without loosing too much blood is another risk you would be facing. The approach that the second movie shows is if one wants to live they have to sacrifice something to get what they want. As seen in the second movie, there is a different approach that is used than the first movie. Saw II, is a gorier movie that the original Saw, this is seen by how different characters were killed off in the movie. The …show more content…

Having the two different directors for the movies gave both movies its own personality, but they still had similarities that made them closely related. I liked how the differences that were noticeable between the two movies, Saw I really plays with the mind, and Saw II is set up as more of a game with the victim, then playing mind games with the audience. I would give Saw I a rating of 4.5 stars out of 5 because it kept my attention, and I was able to feel the suspense and it also messed with my mind in the way that freaked me out, but also entertained me. I give Saw II a 4.5 stars out of 5 because I liked the story line and followed it easily and the torture styles that were used were interesting, but I did not like that the second movie did not mess with the mind. I felt that there was a lack of mind games that would get me more freaked out for the

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