1970 Dbq Essay

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Throughout the early 1960s (second wave of feminism) women has impacted society in ways you can’t imagine. The Equal Rights Amendment was used to make a change for the lives of women and was designed to guarantee equal rights for all citizens regardless of sex. Major societal changes in the second wave finally gave women the opportunity to do what's right but at the same same time when were perceived as second class citizens. Due to these situations the reason why the Equal Rights Amendment was because of the men were against the ERA due to the fact that they were against change in society, women libbers behavior, and most importantly propaganda. The fear of changes in society caused the ERA to fail. The picture from the Senior Scholastic, shows how men were working against the ERA because they did not want their wives working but instead they wanted their wives to work at home; to do chores and housework. The image further portrays how some opportunities would be shared/ taken away, such as: property (after, before, during marriage), rights for equality, and etc. If the ERA was passed, they’ll might have had to work in kitchens where they should feel out of place & they wouldn’t know what to do (Doc G.). …show more content…

This document implies that the roles of women are changing drastically. They do not want to be forced to stay at home and not work. For instance, the people who are against the E.R.A would consider this as a major issue, whereas the people who supports them differs. The demonstration what each individual did, a contradiction in each saying, “... They are promoting abortion instead of families” (Doc F). This would corroborate with Document A and E because in document A it explains that no individual should be denied by any sex/ state. Also in document E it goes on explaining the different lifestyle of different

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