1960s Age Of Dreams

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1960s:The Age of Dreams and Hopes
The 1960s was the time of change and is one of the best eras that has come and gone. When people think of a time where rebellious, free spirited people played a part, the 1960s come to mind. From the Civil Rights Movement to new culture change, it has created a lot of drama and excitement which, in turn, left a big impression on people and is still affecting society today. They were responsible for branding the entire decade such as the fight for racial equality, birth of new fashion, and new scientific technology. These changes would pave the way for positive effects in decades to come.
MAIN TOPIC SENTENCE/ THEN TOPIC SENTENCE. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a direct and dangerous confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. On October 1962, an American spy plane secretly photographed a nuclear missle site being built by the Soviet Union on the Island of Cuba. To prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies, JFK decided to place navals around Cuba and demanded the removal of the missiles that were already created. Soon after JFK televised the crisis to the nation, Soviet leader, Nikita, agreed to dismantle the weapon sites as long as the U.S did not invade Cuba. A year later after the crisis, JFK signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban as a strategy to make the world safer for diversity. TOPIC SENTENCE? On July 20,1964, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to landed on the Moon. After a total of 7 years of NASA training, their dream were finally fulfilled and their space shuttle (Apollo 11) was launched on July 16, 1969. Broadcasted live-TV and world wide, many people watched as Armstrong became the first person to ever walk on th...

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...he 1960s were the birth control pills. Birth control pills were not approved in the U.S until May 11, 1960 after FDA send its approval to sell Enovid. 2 years after its approval, 1 million U.S women were taking them everyday. These pills allowed them to make their own opinions about sex, reproduction, and family size and eventually lead to the feminist movement of the mid-1960s. CONCLUSION SENTENCE.
In conclusion, America was going through many changes and social movements. Through the impediments of political, cultural, and social transformations, America’s identity was reborn.. Due to the bravery and ambition of the new generation, there was a dramatic increase in equality for all Americans. The 1960’s brought about a profound cultural change through gender roles and race relations, as the rights and liberties of women and African Americans improved tremendously.

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