18th Century American Masks

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Venetian Masks are a centuries-old tradition of Venice, Italy. These masks were typically worn during the Carnival of Venice, but have been used on many other occasions in the past, usually as a disguise or for social status. The mask would sometimes boost the wearers confidence for socializing. The mask was useful for criminal or illicit purposes, or for the wearers personal use, such as romantic. The Venetian Masks are characterized by their ordinate design, featuring metallic and bright colors. Many designs of Venetian Masks stem from Commedia dell'arte, an improvised comedy in Italian theaters during the 16th-18th centuries. The masks could be long-faced(e.g. The Bauta) or eye masks(e.g. The Colombina). Near the end of the republic, the …show more content…

Only citizens had the right to use the Bauta. "The Colombina"- A half-faced mask popularised by an early actress in the Commedia dell'arte of the same name. It is said it was designed for her because she did not wish to have her beautiful face covered completely. The "Plague Doctor Mask"-The Medico Della Peste("Plague Doctor Mask")with its long beak is one of the most bizarre and recognizable of the Venetian masks. The striking design originated from 17th century French physician Charles de Lorme who adopted the mask together with other sanitary precautions while treating plague victims The mask is white consisting of a hollow beak and round eye holes covered with crystal discs creating a bespectacled effect. "The Moretta"-A mask that brought out the beauty of feminine features such as the female head, body and mind. The mask was held in place by the wearer biting on a button or bit and was finished off with a veil.This mask has not been widely worn since

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