17 Characters In Herman Melville's Moby Dick

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Herman Melville
Herman Melville’s last name was changed from Melvill to Melville. His mother changed it but of spite for her husbands failures in life. Herman’s father Allan had many financial failures so Herman had a hard life.
Herman Melville was born on Aug. 19, 1819. He was the third of seven children. Herman Melville was part Scottish and part Dutch. While Melville was five years old, his mother began to have fainting spells, after she had her fifth child this had a deep impact on Melville’s life. Melville’s father was a second generation Bostonian who owned a thriving dry goods business at the time of Melville’s birth. In 1826 Herman got scarlet fever which left him with permanent weak eyesight. Herman Melville’s father was an unstable …show more content…

Ishmael the narrator and a junior member of the Pequod, he doesn’t play a major role in the events of the novel. Ahab, the Ego maniacal captain of Pequod. He lost his leg to the infamous Moby Dick. He is single-minded in his pursuit of the whale, using a mixture of charisma and terror to persuade his crew to join him. Starbuck, the first mate of the Pequod. Starbuck questions Ahab’s judgment twice. First in private, and then once again in public. Queequeg, Starbucks skilled harpooner and Ishmael’s best friend. Queequeg was once a prince from a south sea Island. Stubb, the second mate of the Pequod. Stubb, chiefly characterized by his mischievous good humor, is easy going and popular. Moby-Dick, the great white Sperm Whale, its infamous and a threat to all seamen. Tashtego, Stubbs harpooner. Tashtego is a Gay Head Indian from Martha’s Vineyard, one of the last of a tribe about to disappear. Father Mapple, a former whale man and now the preacher in the New Bedford Whaleman’s Chapel. Flask, a native of tisbury on Martha’s vineyard and the third mate of the Pequod. Short and stocky. Daggoo, Flask’s harpooner. He is physically enormous. Pip, a young black boy who fills the role as the jester of the

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