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Approach Basing on the fore text, the aim of this report is test how certain firms survive and growth in China’s uncertainly environment and illustrates how they used effectuation theory appropriately to make them be a leading enterprise in each industry. However, it is difficult to measure about that the entrepreneurial process and whether a firm overcomes the strange environment and build up a sustainable business in the near future. Therefore, the report chooses the case study method to solve this difficulty. About the case study, Yin (1994) and Lee (1999) reported that generally, we use case study methodology to deal with problem when we face that mention about ‘how’ or ‘why’, when the experimentation and questionnaire cannot be used, and when the object of study is contemporary and has the real story. What’s more, the more standards are put forward such as: data points are fewer than the uncontrolled variables; researcher can show the sources of evidence; current researches can theoretical support the data collection and analysis. In addition to that, those firms will be analyzed by the multiple cases study model in order to cater both the exploratory and explanatory purposes. For the reason that the industry environment in China is diversified, multiple case studies can satisfy the various situations in each industry and find the common point of them. Choice of firm This report choose cases basing on the following concept: 1. it is the pioneering in its industry or space. 2. The firm can extremely attract the media’s attention. 3. It must as an established entrepreneurial venture. For instance, how a new company faces and overcomes uncertainty in the attempt to build up its leadership role in the new market. The report c... ... middle of paper ... ...to that, CNKI can afford Chinese case continuously with detail. It guarantee the case study operate fluently. Basing on the multiple cases study model, we listed and compared the entrepreneurial history of every firm to identify the strategy and actions implementation by the firm and represent how the Effectuation theory guided the entrepreneur ‘do the right things’. Finally, we draw tables for each form to conclude and analyze those data and information ordered by the time line (Freeze & Glassman, 2000; Reid, 1999). Approach to Analysis Compare to the “statistical generalization” in experiment and survey approach (Yin, 1994), in the case studies the method of ‘analytic generalization’ is widely used. Analytic generalization is mentioned about that a previously developed theory is used as a template with which to compare the empirical results of the case study.

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