12 Years A Slave Reflection

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I've recently watched an Oscar award best film called "12 Years a Slave" that really inspired me a lot. This story is about a free African American in New York, Solomon, who was a very talented violinist. During the time in the movie, it was the period of time when United States was divided into two sides, North and South. North, slaves were banned and African and more rights. South, however, African Americans had no rights and had slaves all over farms, plantations, ranches etc. for they needed so much working force to do the field and house work. Unlike a lot of African Americans at that time, Solomon was well-educated and was doing pretty well financially. He was invited into different parties to perform and he also had a lot of white friends. The twist of the story was when Solomon is invited to Washington to perform in a party with a decent amount of money from two friends of Solomon's friend. When Solomon reached Washington, the two white men drugged him and sold him to the South as a slave. Not knowing of what had happened, he opened his eyes and was surprised to see that he...

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