111: A Short Story

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“We’re reactivating you agent 111” is the first thing that Cyrus, the legendary spy for the C.I.A (Central Intelligence Agency) heard on the morning of March 7th 2018. “The top brass needs you to figure out who is leaking the information about national security at the White House.” The officer standing at the door was Chip Hanchet. If you didn’t know Cyrus Hale, you wouldn't think that this 81 year old Phys Ed. teacher was part of the C.I.A, and was the one that figured out who the person was that figured out who assassinated President John.F Kennedy. Cyrus snapped back and said “I’ve been retired for 20 years why can’t one of the field agents at the C.I.A do it?” “You think the C.I.A hasn't tried? “ replied Chip. “Even when I went inside the White House I got no information about the person leaking information!!” “Ok, I’ll do it, just when does the mission start?” “Right now” responded Chip as he tapped his watch. “WHAT” shrieked Cyrus “I’ve got …show more content…

If you don’t agree to our agreement she will.” Five minutes later after the fake Chip had left multiple cars rolled into the driveway of Cyrus's house and in those five minutes that he has to himself, Cyrus had thought of a plan. He was going to do the mission but he wasn’t going to tell the CIA about him doing the mission, he knew if he told the CIA about the mission the organization that the fake chip worked for wouldn’t hesitate to kill both his granddaughter and the fake chip. When the person ringed the door Cyrus instantly knew who it was it was his old mission partner which was his only mission partner. Cyrus had been taught to be solo and not to trust anyone, the only time he had a mission partner was during the finding of J.F.K assassinator but before his partner could help him he knocked out his mission partner so he could do everything

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