• Why Do Some Executives Refuse To Function As Project Sponsors?

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Why do some executives refuse to function as project sponsors? A: Some executives refuse to function as project sponsors due to lack of experience in fulfilling the responsibilities of a project sponsor. Some are fearful of making a decision because, if they were to make the wrong decision, it could impact their career and project success. Failure of a project where he was the sponsor could damage his reputation and career. Some foundation changes that can improve results and also can influence an executive to work as project sponsor: * A consistent, organization-wide communicated definition of the expectations and responsibilities of a project sponsor. This definition should be signed off by the C-levels. So the executive who has to function as project sponsor will be aware of his responsibilities before opting the role. * Tying annual evaluations and bonuses for sponsors to project performance. This can make an executive to give his best in acting as project sponsor instead of refusing it. * Incorporating evaluations and feedback from project teams as an input into the sponsor’s annual evaluations. This creates a fear of damage to his reputation if he refuses to function as a project sponsor. * Required involvement and sign-off from project sponsors on project charters. This can show the impact of their …show more content…

Some of the executives may have fear regarding their abilities during their first project as a sponsor. Yes, an executive can be forced” to function as a sponsor as he is working for the organization and he should accept the responsibilities given by the organization. By forcing an executive to function as the sponsor, they can retrieve the decision-making capabilities from him and if that project becomes a success, he can be continued as the sponsor for other projects and organization enjoys the profits from

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