Erickson Theory and its Stages

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Erickson Theory

Two of the most famous people thought that there is a sight difference within the developing stages with a different aspect on development. Those people are Sigmund Freud/ Eric Erickson. Erickson had the most unbelievable eight stages that he believe would help normal people who are born and live from sunrise until sunset. However, there are eight stages to view and it is easier to relate to.

Trust and Mistrust

This particular stage is considered the first stage of the Erickson theory. This stage is the beginning stage ages from birth until two years. The first stage deals with babies and their primary care giver. Because it is the first stage for the newborns the babies are learning and building a trust for his/her care giver. And doing so, if the trust is reliable. The baby will carry this relationship with a sense of ability for trust in their environment as well.

However, the baby will develop mistrust if the relationship with his/her parent or anyone who is unreliable, unkind, and inconsistent. These sorts of conflicts can cause problem within the baby future and this could lead to not having confidence in the baby’s environment. Erickson states, these issues can end up allowing the babies in his/her future insecurities, anxiety, and a case of superstitious.

Autonomy and shame and doubt

In this stage children are most physically and they intend to become more excited.

Independence is beginning at this stage as well the mother experience their little ones by his/her attitude with the choices of choosing what toy to play with or what clothes to wear as well as what food to eat. At this point the child can develop autonomy as well as independence.

A great deal of support is needed during t...

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... that deals with adulthood. The ages for this stage are 65 and older. The great outcome for this last stage is maturity and accepting life as is. Being able to come to grabs realizing that life as he/she has made it reflects on positives views. One way to view a positive aspect is to become realistic about life as it existed from a good pass. People who do not come to peace with death have not accomplished what it is that he/she wanted to. And they just can not come to peace with life as a closure.


McCrady, J. (2013). Jason McCrady: Erickson’s Theory. Small Groups (Forums.),. March 12, 2013 from AIU database.

Walter, A. (2013). Ashley Walter: Ericksons Theory. Small Groups (Forums.),. March 12, 2013 from AIU database.

Harvilicz, D. (2013). Dawn Harvilicz: Erickson’s Theory. Small Groups (Forums.),. March 13, 2013 from AIU database.

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